MOVE Conference 2023

MOVE Conference 2023: Workshop Programme

We are excited to be offering a wide range of workshops at our first hybrid conference full of MOVE related content and CPD opportunities! Please click the headings below to find out more!

Opening Key Note Speech

We are delighted to welcome our key note speaker, Becky Whitaker who will be opening the MOVE Conference 2023 with her inspirational story. Becky is a trained PE & Dance teacher and since becoming chronically ill in 2020 has been motivated to provide inclusive dance opportunities for all. Drawing on her expertise Becky will explore how dance can enhance your MOVE provision, providing some brilliant inspiration to start the day!

Experiential Learning, Disability and MOVE

Join us as we explore the importance of experiential learning for disabled children and the role MOVE plays in this. Drawing on expertise from OT’s and fellow MOVE Senior Practitioners this workshop will provide you with new and exciting ways to incorporate experiential learning into your MOVE provision.

The MOVE Trainers Story

Are you interested in becoming a MOVE Trainer or perhaps you are already a MOVE Trainer who is looking for new ideas to support your training delivery? In this workshop we will hear from some of our fantastic MOVE Trainers as they share their experiences and top tips to support you on your own journey as a MOVE Trainer!

Reframing Equipment

In this workshop we will explore prompts and their role in MOVE in a refreshed way, drawing on the real benefits of ‘thinking outside of the box’. This discussion will highlight new and innovative ways prompts can be used, offering opportunities for reflection on how this can be used to maximise independence and improved overall wellbeing for disabled children and young people.  

The Power of Being Seen: Why Representation Matters

Positive representation of disability is more important than ever before. Joined by Martin Sinclair (Retired England and Paralympian CP football player), in this workshop we will be exploring the importance of positive representation for disabled children, young people and their families whilst demonstrating the role MOVE can play in ensuring the children we support are seen and most importantly celebrated, portraying disability in a positive light.

Finding a Voice Through MOVE

Alongside supporting disabled children to gain independent movement skills we know MOVE can also lead to additional positive outcomes including improved confidence, self esteem and communication. In this panel discussion we will be hearing from many different perspectives within our MOVE community to explore how MOVE also supports young people to develop agency and increase their communication skills.

Closing talk and MOVE Awards

Join us to hear some exciting updates from MOVE HQ to summarize this year’s annual conference where we will also be announcing our 2023 MOVE award winners!

We will look forward to announcing our workshop speakers and further timings soon! Keep checking this page and our social media pages for updates!


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